
Making Marriage Last
Can This Marriage Be Saved? by Laurie Abraham is the New York Times Magazine’s feature story August 12, 2007, online here, A year in the life of a couples-therapy group. Some quotes: When Coché lists the virtues of the group over other forms of therapy, she cites the “Greek chorus” effect, a term that captures...
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I don’t know whether rich women have more affairs than economically challenged women, but I liked LizardBreath’s (nom de plume for an anonymous New York Lawyer) comments in a post at UnFogged to a survey suggesting they stray more often.
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Untying the knot, more couples calling it quits later in life is the troubling headline of a story by Korky Vann; a special to the Hartford Courant, republished in the Courier-Journal yesterday. When Hon. John Potter, retired, was presiding in Jefferson Family Court many years ago, he said that there ought to be a statute...
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Posting of this new story does not imply endorsement. It goes against much of what my clients have told me over the years that their therapists have advised. Yet, it is interesting and on point to an intermittent series of posts that we will put up over the nest few weeks. I was going to...
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