The April 16, 2006 Couier-Journal reported the creation of a new District Court docket to monitor compliance with domestic violence offender treatment. Today’s Courier editorial page rightly praised Judge Angela Bisig’s pilot program, but inaccuratley referred to the court as a Domestic Violence Court.Read More
Hofstra Law School established an L.L.M. program in family law and will enroll its first students beginning in the fall of 2006, in response to increased specialization and interdisciplinary issues. This is the third such program in the U.S. although in other countries they appear to be as well known as our L.L.M. programs...Read More
Maine has new pet protection provisions in its domestic violence statutes. I know of no reason in KY why a court could not protect animals as part of the entry of a domestic violence order in the absence of a specific statute. The comments are passionate to the Press Herald online report of the new...Read More
An April 10, 2006 National Law Journal article on paternity fraud has been reprinted at This is the flip side of the dual paternity issue where non-biological fathers have been required to pay child support. It is important to distinguish the rights/duties of husbands who are non-bio dads who want to raise and support...Read More
Talk about innovative arguments! Here’s the story: For another story on this reverse Roe v. Wade case:,1,1462426.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed&ctrack=1&cset=trueRead More
The Kentucky Supreme Court has under submission a custody case involving same sex parents. Discretionary review of B.F. v. T.D. was granted 11/16/05. The respondent is represented by Franklin Jewell, a candidate for circuit Judge. Movant is represented by Bryan Gatewood and Courtney Joslin, pro hac vice. Ms. Joslin is associated with the National...Read More
When geogrphy prevents frequent parenting time, virtual visitation is an option. For a CNN report, More