Mediator Abuses In Family Law

Victoria Pynchon has requested comments to her post, Mediation Abuses in Family Law. I see the problem frequently. Check out her post and let her hear from you! In browsing her ADR site and her negotiation site, Settle It Now Negotiation Blog, you’ll no doubt stumble upon some info that will make you wonder haw you could have practice law without it.

Victoria Pynchon has requested comments to her post, Mediation Abuses in Family Law. I see the problem frequently. Check out her post and let her hear from you! In browsing her ADR site and her negotiation site, Settle It Now Negotiation Blog, you’ll no doubt stumble upon some info that will make you wonder haw you could have practice law without it. Subscribe to the feeds and you’ll regularly receive some of the best CLE on the net. I wish it were required reading for all mediators.

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