AGNICH V. TYLER Same-sex parents, after separation, had joint custody and an agreed parenting-time schedule for their two minor children, twins with autism. Appellee moved the trial court to allow her to move from Lexington, Kentucky to St. Joseph, Missouri area. The court granted her motion allowing relocation finding Missouri had better services for autistic...Read More
A. H. V. W.R.L. AND M.L. “Questions Presented: Family Law. Custody. Same-Sex Relationship. Step-Parent Adoption. Intervention of Right. Trial court properlyallowed the child’s biological mother’s ex-partner, who allegedly co-parented the child for seven years and has a pending custodypetition, to intervene in the step-parent adoption case that would have declared mother’s husband to be the...Read More
Truman v. Lillard, 2012-CA-000160-ME Published: Affirming County: Fayette Former life-partner of Child’s adoptive mother appealed from FC’s denial of her motion for joint custody, visitation and to set child support due to lack of standing. FACTS:Read More
Maxwell v. Maxwell No. 2012-CA-000224-ME Published: Opinion Reversing and Remanding County: Hardin Angela Maxwell appeals the decision of the Hardin Family Court to award sole custody of her three children to their father, Robert Maxwell.Read More
There are no new published family law opinions. However, the prior opinion in Mullins v. Picklesimer was modified and a new opinion substituted. We'll have to study the new one, compare it to the prior one, and will post a revised digest if there is anything significant. We'll let you know.Read More
A deeply divided court, in Mullins v. Picklesimer, holds that mother waived her superior right of custody, thus permitting her same sex partner to have joint custody. The dissents worry that this "new found rule of law" will pave the way for grandparents, step-parents and other non-parents to seek custody.Read More
CLE: “Representing the Gay Client In Kentucky” Seminar Sponsored by Fayette County Bar Association, ACLU of Ky, and JustFund KY Education Project for Sept. 20, 2008. Details at Kentucky Law Review. Wonder what case they are going to be speaking about?Read More