Louisville Divorce News – Summer 2007

Welcome Linda Dixon Bullock, our newest associate at Diana L. Skaggs + Associates. She graduated from the University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law in 2003. She comes to us from the Department of Public Advocacy, Juvenile Division, where she practiced out of its Frankfort office. Linda will initially assist our other attorneys with their cases and has taken over digesting all new Kentucky family law cases for this blog.

Michelle Eisenmenger Mapes, Vice Chair of the Family Law Section of the Louisville Bar Association, was accepted to the LBA Leadership Academy. Congrats, Michelle!

Sarah Jost Nielsen is on maternity leave and will return in late August, after which she will begin handling her own case load. The past many months she has served as the secondary attorney on the other lawyers’ cases, immersed herself in the study of family law, and provided invaluable assistance by digesting cases for this blog, preparing the 2007 Family Law Update Seminar materials, and updating the book Kentucky Divorce published by Thomson West.

Speaking of Kentucky Divorce, the 2008 updates have now been published. Diana L. Skaggs and Hon. Richard A. Revell are now in the process of totally rewriting many of the chapters for publication next year.

Sandra Ragland has been re-elected to the executive committee of Kentucky Family Law Network, the Louisville area collaborative family law organization.

Christina Howard joined us this year as I.T. and Legal Assistant.

Finally, our bookkeeper, Emilee White, has been promoted to Office Manager. Emilee is a 2003 graduate of the University of Kentucky with an economics major and a business minor.

We’ll get photos up of all our new employees on the website, www.LouisvilleDivorce.com soon. Meanwhile, we’re busy as bees and very excited about our new staff and the hard work of all.