The Case For And Against Step-Parents

“Should Step-Parents Be Legally Equal to Parents? At first glance, most people would probably answer a resounding “no” to this question. However, a recent column in Time magazine by Po Bronson says stepparents should have the legal rights of parents — though it doesn’t specify if that means all the same rights, or a partial or subordinate set of rights.

“Should Step-Parents Be Legally Equal to Parents? At first glance, most people would probably answer a resounding “no” to this question. However, a recent column in Time magazine by Po Bronson says stepparents should have the legal rights of parents — though it doesn’t specify if that means all the same rights, or a partial or subordinate set of rights. That column was inspired by a recent Supreme Court opinion in the State of Washington legally recognizing as “de facto parent” a lesbian who was the lifelong primary caretaker of her partner’s child, who they had decided to have as a couple,” from the South Carolina Family Law Blog.

It links to John Crouch’s nice article in the Family Law News Blog where John discusses the negatives of continued step-parent rights and responsibilities.